Eurochild is an organisation which works
to make Europe a better place for children. They wrote a document about what was done in Europe so all children could use their rights. In the document, they also say what must be done in future to help all children to use their rights. |
Eurochild published its assessment of the third European Commission’s 2012 Report on the application of the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights. Eurochild concluded that the report failed to provide overall comprehensive picture of the situation regarding children’s rights in Europe.
The report highlighted some initiatives as significant contributions to improvement of children’s rights. These are for instance the EU Agenda for the Rights of the Child or the European Strategy for Better Internet for Children.
However, according to Eurochild, the report lacks the updates on some important initiatives of the EU to improve the rights of the child. For example, there is no reference to the Rethinking Education strategy in the report. The strategy aims to apply innovative methods of learning to improve the outcomes by training the professional staff. This can notably support higher quality and affordable education, also for disadvantaged children such as children with disabilities or Roma children. In spite of this, the advances in the implementation of the strategy are not included in the report.
Eurochild concludes the assessment with several recommendations to the European Commission to:
- Ensure a comprehensive analysis and monitoring of children’s rights in EU policy and action.
- Develop a Framework for EU action on the rights of the child to be adopted under the aegis of the new Commission and European Parliament in 2015.
- Put in place mechanisms to mainstream children’s rights across the work of EU institutions by developing a Commission’s policy on child rights mainstreaming.
You can find the full Eurochild’s assessment here.
Source: Eurochild