Click on a word which is in bold to read what it means.

In February 2019
the directors of all the member organisations
of Inclusion Europe
met in Budapest.

During this meeting
they talked about
what they are doing
in each of their countries.
They also talked about
how we can work together
to make Europe more inclusive.
We talked about these topics:

European elections in May 2019
- We made a document which explains
why the European elections are important.
The document is in easy-to -read. - We want to tell people to go vote.
You can watch our video here. - We want people with intellectual disabilities
to have the right to vote
in every European country.
We also did a video about that.
You can watch our video here.
- We want accessible elections.
- We also asked self-advocates
for their opinion.
Read here what they have to say on:
- the right to vote
- why it is important to go voting.
Inclusion Europe’s members
are already doing many things
for the European elections.
in their countries.
The European Parliament is also doing a lot
to encourage people to vote.
Some people from the European Parliament
came to our meeting
and they told us about it.

Care people
for persons with intellectual disabilities
Care people are people
who come to your house
and help you do different things.
The European Union gives money
to pay these people
in the European countries.
Sometime countries choose some people
because they are cheaper than others.
But this doesn’t always mean
that these people do a good job.
This needs to change.
The European Union gives money
for deinstitutionalisation, too.
The European Union also gave money to Hungary
for deinstitutionalisation.
In Hungary, some people are afraid
that the support for people who leave institutions
are not good enough.
We need to make sure that
people who move out of institutions
can live a good life.

Work for people with intellectual disabilities
Our Danish member LEV told us
about a project they did
in the last 8 years.
With this project
they found work
for many people with intellectual disabilities.
We also talked about Inclusion Europe’s work
and our events Europe in Action
and Hear our Voices.
A big thank you to everyone who came
and to our Hungarian member ÉFOÉSZ
who hosted us!