The European Union (EU) has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD) and, in 2010, the European Commission has adopted the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020.
The Disability Strategy provides a roadmap for the implementation of the UN CRPD in the EU around eight main areas of action:
- Accessibility : make goods and services accessible to people with disabilities and promote the market of assistive devices.
- Participation : ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy all benefits of EU citizenship; remove barriers to equal participation in public life and leisure activities; promote the provision of quality community-based services.
- Equality : combat discrimination based on disability and promote equal opportunities.
- Employment : raise significantly the share of persons with disabilities working in the open labour market.
- Education and training : promote inclusive education and lifelong learning for students and pupils with disabilities.
- Social protection : promote decent living conditions, combat poverty and social exclusion.
- Health : promote equal access to health services and related facilities.
- External action : promote the rights of persons with disabilities in the EU enlargement and international development programmes.
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the review of the European Disability Strategy. This means that the EU would like to hear your opinion on what has been achieved so far in each of these areas as well as the challenges faced by persons with disabilities and ways to address them.
Inclusion Europe is the democratic voice and representation of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families in Europe. Thus, we would like to hear directly from persons with intellectual disabilities and their families what could the EU do to make their lives easier.
Tell us what problems you face in one of these areas.
You can give your opinion for all the areas you want.
[Call closed]
Your answers will help us to understand the different national situations and will contribute to strengthen our submission.
If you would like to know more about the European Disability Strategy Review, please contact our Policy Officer, Magdi Birtha at