An interview with the president of Inclusion Europe about the rights of peope with disabilities

Press Conference informed journalists and interested stakeholders on the situation of persons with disabilities in Ukraine and what can be done to support them.

An interview with the president of Inclusion Europe about the rights of peope with disabilities - ETR

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We fight for Europe where people with intellectual disabilties

enjoy the same rights as everyone else.


The president of Inclusion Europe

was interviewed in Slovenia.

Jyrki Pinomaa

Jyrki did an interview for a magazine called Kirenjureet

and the topic was about the situation

of your family that led you to talk

and write about the rights of disabled people.


Jyrki went to a meeting at the Finnish Parliament in 1990

where Jyrki spoke about disability services

for families with children with disabilties.

After Jyrki finished his speech

a member of the Finnish Parliament

came up to him and asked him,

is it true nothing has changed for 20 years.


This one member of the Finnish Parliament is a father

of two daughters with intellectual disabilities.

The European Commission in March 2021

looked at the European Strategy

for the rights of persons with disabilities

for 2021-2030.


Also, the European Union is strong about all

people with intellectual disabilities

not having to live in institution anymore.

The information given by Inclusion Europe talks

about progress from segregated care in the community.


The European Union money play

a very important part

in making sure it helps all

people with intellectual disabilities.

But there is still a lot that needs to be

done to help people with intellectual disabilties.


Another thing that needs more work is that

people with intellectual disabilties should be able to vote.


Persons with intellectual disabilties who are put

under guardianship cannot not vote

and that needs to change right away.

Even the European Court of Human Rights is fighting to give back

the rights to all people with intellectual disabilties

so they can go and vote in elections.


In the news in Finland a news person talks about

people with intellectual disabilities are being treated badly.


Also, in Finland people with intellectual disabilties

feel intimated and they don’t know if they feel safe.


The housing system in Finland has changed because

people with intellectual disabilities

find it hard to get good housing.


Because of covid-19 it has been hard

for all people with intellectual disabilities.


There is still a long way to go in making

easy-to-read information for

people with intellectual disabilities.

The president of Inclusion Europe talks about his two boys

who have an intellectual disability.


In this interview we also talk about all

people with intellectual disabilities

being able to have a good education.

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

Being visible and vocal on issues directly affecting millions of people requires your support. 

Become Inclusion Europe supporter and help us keep doing our work.


