Interview with Katarina Ivanković Knežević – Easy to read

An interview with Katarina Ivanković Knežević, Director General at European Commission, by Milan Šveřepa and Soufiane El Amrani.

Interview with Katarina Ivanković Knežević - Easy to read

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Katarina is the director for Social Rights and Inclusion

at the directorate general for employment,

social affairs and inclusion of the European Commission.

We asked Katarina about her work in

Croatia on the National level.

She told us that she has been working

on inclusion and human rights

for 20 years and she also told us about

that she is working on gender equality.

European Union flag

In the interview we talked with

Katarina about social policies and how

the European Union will look to develop and rise.

She told us a bit about the European Disability Strategy

and how it helps people with intellectual disabilities

in their daily lives.

The European Union wants to see

change in the next ten years

for people with intellectual disabilities.

European Union flag

She also told us about a few of the

changes that will happen in the

next few years which will be done

by the European Union.

european pillar of social rights logo

Katarina also told us a bit about

the European Pillar of Social Rights

and how it was already available in easy-to-read.

Katarina explained to us about the

20 goals that are written in the

European Pillar of Social Rights booklet.

Katarina told us about the employment

for people with intellectual disabilities

and how they have the right to

have a job like everyone else.

european commission logo

Katarina said that the European Commission

is putting together a sort of package

for all people with intellectual disabilities

who want to look for work.

Katarina said that they will have a joint paper on the rights

of people with intellectual disabilities soon.

Flag of the United Nations

Katarina also talked about the United Nations Convention

on the Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities.

To end the podcast Katarina talked about Child Guarantee

and how they will help people with intellectual disabilities.

Listen to the podcast episode here.

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