#IncludeNews bring you updates about work done for inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe. This post is updated during the month.
Previously on #IncludeNews: January 2023.
European Disability Card consultation
The European Commission launched public consultation on the European Disability Card initiative.
- Deadline for answers is 5 May.
- The consultation is in all EU languages.
- There are also easy to understand versions of the questionnaire.
The consultation is part of work to make the European Disability Card available in all EU countries. This is one of the initiatives in the EU Disability Rights Strategy.
Ukraine: Self-advocacy group meetings
The VGO Coalition develops new activities in support of self-advocacy in Ukraine. Regular online meetings take place to learn and discuss self-advocacy.
- My name is Oksana Stefanyuk.
- I live with a mother who is retired.
- I often have to handle household and administrative matters myself in the bank and social security management. I pay utilities myself, do shopping and call the clinic.
- I don’t need a guardian.
- In NGO Center Tavor I am involved in organizing social events, fundraising and exhibition, selling candles that we produce.
- When I do not know something, I consult with the management of Tavor or representatives of the VGO Coalition.
- I like active social life and communication with people.
The Coalition also continue their project informing about the war, available support and other relevant news in easy-to-read.
Europe of us easy-to-read magazine about situation in Ukraine.
- The magazine is available in 8 languages, including Ukrainian.
France: Better accessibility of police work
Unapei and the French police commit to greater accessibility, signing an agreement to develop accessibility of public security services.
- It includes training of law enforcement officers to better welcome and meet the needs of people with intellectual disabilities, autism.
- Providing easy-to-read documents to ensure a better understanding of police services.
First, there will be training at national level. Followed by similar agreements at regional level by the departmental police and Unapei branches.
Transformation of services for persons with disabilities, report
The UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities published a report on transformation of services for people with disabilities.
A bit from Inclusion Europe work
- Will you come to the European Disability Parliament, and related training for Inclusion Europe members?
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