#IncludeNews July and August 2023

Overview of news, reports, policies relevant to people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Europe.

#IncludeNews July and August 2023

#IncludeNews bring you updates about work done for inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in Europe. This post is updated during the month.

Previously on #IncludeNews: June 2023.  


CRPD Committee

Lebenshilfe Germany contributed to a session of the CRPD Committee.

The Committee looked at situation in Germany.

Self-advocate Joachim Busch said:

  • “Germany must make more of an effort when it comes to inclusion! But I was able to give the people on the committee good advice on what to ask our government.”

Germany has not made any changes to the workshop system since the last state inspection. Currently, 330,000 people with disabilities work in workshops, where they earn an average of only 212 euros per month. However, WfbM employees should be able to live on their wages without social assistance. Busch urgently called for a plan to create an inclusive labor market that also includes people with high support needs.



European Union

Next EU elections are 6-9 June 2024.


AccessibleEU was launched. It is a new initiative by the European Commission. It offers trainings, materials, events and other things to improve accessibility in Europe.


Disability Employment Package  Disability Employment Package to improve labour market outcomes for persons with disabilities – Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion – European Commission (europa.eu)


Protection of vulnerable adults

Stronger rights for adults in need of protection (europa.eu)

The proposed regulation is about protecting vulnerable adults in cross-border situations. So it includes people with intellectual disabilities under guardianship or curatorship. And also about institutionalisation.

So if the proposed regulation is on the technicalities of how to apply this convention, the content of the Convention does not comply with the UNCRPD.


Victim’s Directive – there has been a proposition to redraft the Victims directive that establishes minimum rules regarding victims of crime, such as the safety measures, speacialised support for vulnerable victims, access to justice and compensation. Some issues specific to victims with intellectual disabilities need to be addressed.

The result of the consultation (impact assessment) and the proposal for a directive have been published mid July. Victims’ rights in the EU (europa.eu)


Access City Award is open for nominations until 18 September. Any idea of a city where accessibility is also thought for people with intellectual disabilities?


Report on last year’s European Day of Persons with Disabilities was published. The next EDPD is planned for 30 November to 1 December 2023.


Fundamental rights report, including a chapter on the rights of people with disabilities.

The report provides overview of reports, judgements, policies and other related topics.


Council of Europe

Report on accessibility to audiovisual content for people with disabilities was published by the Council of Europe.

  • “Accessibility measures for people with cognitive disabilities include easy-to-understand language, accessible user interfaces, providing users enough time to read content, etc. An example of a cognitive accessibility measure is extended video description, that is, the audiovisual content is paused at key moments and a longer description of the situation or scene is provided, allowing viewers to process content in a more accessible manner.”



Members of Inclusion Europe

We paid tribute to Lahcen Er Rajaoui, the president of the French self-advocacy organisation Nous Aussi. He has been a strong advocate for the rights of people with intellectual disabilities in France, part of the National Disability Council. He was active at European level as well and we had last seen him in May in Brussels, where he came with a delegation of French self-advocates for the European Parliament of People with Disabilities.


Back to school? Unapei relaunches its campaign on the lack of education for children with intellectual disabilities.


Fire of a French vacation home for people with disabilities killed 11 people. 


Inclusion Ireland made a new report about what people with intellectual disabilities want and need. The report has a lot of good information about institutionalisation, lack of housing, education etc.


Inclusion Nordic annual meeting took place in Iceland. During these meetings, our Nordic members exchange about their work and experiences.


FDUV, Finland, have a new director: Annette Tallberg-Haahtela. Here is an interview with her.



  • VGO Coalition finally succeeded in their long-time battle to change the official translation of the CRPD in Ukrainian.
    Articles 2, 9, and 12 now have correct and clearer language on “easy to read”.
    The previous version was based on Russian language, and provided the wrong term which led to many misunderstandings about accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Report by EDF shows once more the bad situation for people with disabilities in “care” institutions.


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