Inclusion Europe director talks about the situation of institutions in Czechia – ETR

Milan Šveřepa is the director of Inclusion Europe. He gave an interview to a newspaper. In the interview, he talked about institutions in Czechia.

Inclusion Europe director talks about institutions in Czechia

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Milan Šveřepa is the director of Inclusion Europe.

He gave an interview to a newspaper.

In the interview, he talked about the situation
of people with intellectual disabilities in Czechia.


Milan talked about people living in institutions.


This is what Milan said:


“All institutions should be closed.

People have the right
to live in the community.

They should get the support they need
in the community.

Some years ago, institutions in Czechia were closed.

But there are still many institutions left.

The Czech government doesn’t do much to close them down.

And people who run institutions or work in institutions
often do not want any change.

That’s why many people with intellectual disabilities
still live inside institutions.

This is bad.

Institutions are against the human rights of people with disabilities.

It is not right to put all people with intellectual disabilities
together in institutions.

Inside institutions they

  • cannot make decisions
  • often cannot make friends
  • cannot have relationships

People who left the institutions
live a happier life.

Prague is one of the richest cities is Europe.

But it doesn’t treat all of its citizens fairly.

People with intellectual disabilities are often forced
outside the city,
because Prague doesn’t have places for them to live.


Only few people with intellectual disabilities in Czechia
receive a better care.

Better care means things such as:

  • community services
  • a flat for themselves
  • personal assistance
Senada Halilčević

Some people say that people with intellectual disabilities
cannot live outside of institutions.

But this is not true.

An example is Senada Halilčević.

She lived in institutions for many years.

But then she got out.

She lives on her own now.

Senada was Inclusion Europe’s vice-president.

She travels a lot.

And she speaks at conferences.

She has a lot of success
outside of the institution!


Inclusion Europe says that we need deinstitutionalisation.

We need this for all people with intellectual disabilities
in Czechia and everywhere in Europe.


Closing institutions is the only way
to make sure that people with intellectual disabilities
will live a better life.”

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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