Soufiane El Amrani talks about a project by the City of Paris and Unapei on easy-to-read – Easy to read

Soufiane El Amrani talks about a project by the City of Paris and Unapei on easy-to-read. Unapei is going to train staff from the City of Paris in easy-to-read.

Soufiane El Amrani talks about a project by the City of Paris and Unapei on easy-to-read - Easy to read

Find the meaning of the words in bold in the dictionary at the end of the document.

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Easy to read

Soufiane El Amrani is the

easy-to-read editor of Europe for us.


This is the 4th post on Soufiane’s blog. 


The blog talks about events and topics

on people with intellectual disabilities.


For the 4th blog post,

Soufiane talks about a project

on easy-to-read by Unapei.


Unapei is an organisation that fights for the

rights of people with intellectual disabilities.

Why is the topic important?  

Easy to read

Unapei was selected by Paris city in France to
provide easy-to-read training for the city staff. 


The topic is important because the city of Paris wants
to make easy-to-read information available across the city.

Paris is trying to raise awareness about easy-to-read.

Soufiane thinks it is super important for all
people with intellectual disabilities to have
information in easy-to-read.

What does Soufiane think about the subject?

Blank image

Inclusion Europe does a lot of easy-to-read
documents on many different topics. 


Inclusion Europe believes all important information
should have an easy-to-read translation available. 


Having information in easy-to-read helps all
people with intellectual disabilities to be able
to understand what they are reading.


Soufiane thinks that having a whole city
where information is accessible to people
with intellectual disabilities is really important.


Information in easy-to-read will make the lives
of people with intellectual disabilities much easier in Paris.  


Accessible information helps everyone,
like tourists who speak a different language.

What did Soufiane learn from researching the topic?  

Easy to read

Soufiane has learnt that Paris city wants
to be accessible and have information in
easy-to-read for people with intellectual disabilities.


More and more places are understanding
the need for accessible information.


People with intellectual disabilities have the
right to access services and information the
same as everybody else.


People with intellectual disabilities should
not be limited to the place they live.


Hopefully, other cities will follow the steps
that Paris has taken. 


So that people with intellectual disabilities
can better participate in society without limitations.

Previous blog post

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This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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