French member organisation “Nous Aussi” has two new projects on voting rights

French member organisation is launching two great projects this month, focused on voting rights for people with intellectual disabilities.

French member organisation ``Nous Aussi`` has two new projects on voting rights

In continuation with their focus on voting rights started last year, French organisation Nous Aussi is launching two projects this month.

The first one is a videogame created by and for people with intellectual disabilities, and developed in partnership with ANCREAI. The game is a simulation of the voting process, from the registration to the electoral lists, until the moment of entering the voting booth.

The first version of the game is available on Nous Aussi website, and it can be downloaded for free on Apple and Android stores.

Furthermore, Nous Aussi is going to launch soon an easy-to-read guide about voting called “Voting for all” (“Le vote pour tous”, in French). The guide is in French and it’s divided in different chapters, according to the specific topic (“right to vote”, “elections”, “how to choose who to vote for”, and more).

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