Interview about the “Inclusive Schools” project – ETR

“Inclusive Schools” (called “InScool”, in short) is a project that wants to support inclusive education in Europe. Inclusion Europe had an interview with one of the organisers to learn more about the project.

Interview about the “Inclusive Schools” project

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“Inclusive Schools” (called “InScool”, in short)

is a project that wants to support inclusive education

in schools across Europe.

The InScool project bring together five organisations

from different European countries.


Eirini Kareta is one of the main organisers

of the InScool project.

Inclusion Europe had an interview with Ms. Kareta

to learn more about the project.


What follows is an easy-to-read version

of the interview.

What are the goals of the InScool project?

The project wants to support inclusion

in schools.

We support inclusion of students with disabilities,

including intellectual disabilities.

We also support inclusion of students

coming from different cultures.

And of all students that are different

from any other reason.

When did you start the project?

We started the project in February 2017.

The idea came from the British Council team

which is the organisation where I work.

Why did you decide to start this project?

We had the idea because the British Council

already worked on other projects

about inclusive education.

We wanted to give teachers

and other people working in schools

what they needed

in order to create inclusion in school.


That is why we created a guide

with lots of information

on how to create more inclusion at school.


Many organisations, for example NGOs,

helped us.

Together we organised some trainings

about the project.

What are the results of the project so far?

We have trained many teachers and students.

It is still difficult to look at the results at the moment.

But so many people are taking part

in this project.


I think that there is still a lot to do

if we want inclusion in schools.

But I also think that we are doing much better.


What are the main activities of the project?

The InScool project has many different activities.

The teachers can follow the Education Pack.

The Education Pack is a guide with all the information

to organise activities in the classrooms

that support inclusion.

We also organise workshop, trainings

and some big events.

What will be the next events of the project?

In spring there will be the “Inclusion weeks”.

During each “Inclusion week” students will work together

with teachers.


They will do their own projects

and take part in some events.

For example:

film screenings for students in Greece.


Next autumn there will be a final event

in Brussels.

During this event we want to talk about

the topic of inclusion in schools

in Europe.


Students and teachers will also talk about their experience

with the InScool project.


Read more on the website of the “InScool” project (not in easy-to-read).

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