FEAPS yesterday hosted a conference where nearly 200 professionals discussed new ways of providing support and services catering specifically to the individual needs of people with intellectual disabilities.
Nous Aussi, a French national self-advocacy association, has announced its National Congress. The event will bring together a wide range of stakeholders to discuss the issues affecting people with intellectual disabilities and self-advocates living in France today.
Following their recent project bringing together local branches for a series of seminars and workshops, Inclusion Europe has met with The Polish Association for Persons with Mental Handicap (PSOUU) to find out how the association has united its subsidiaries across the country to be better equipped to campaign for equal opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities in Poland.
As a person with a disability living in Ireland, you are twice as likely to experience living in poverty, a charity report has warned this week.
In both Europe and North America, more and more families are taking action over Disney’s discriminatory treatment of people with intellectual disabilities visiting its amusement parks.
UK Inclusion Europe member Mencap has announced its campaign 'Learning Disability Work Experience Week 2014' encouraging companies to provide work experience placements for people with intellectual disabilities.
Inclusion Europe member Unapei has published a white paper on the accessibility of the French healthcare system for people with intellectual disabilities.
A new Memorial and information site for victims of the Nazi "euthanasia" programme was inaugurated on 2 September in Berlin.
The annual Pontaggia Award ("Premio Pontiggia” in Italian), an international literary competition taking place in Italy, is open for entries, advertises Inclusion Europe member Anffas.
Even though summer is not yet over, UK NGO Mencap is asking us to think ahead about Christmas and already start getting prepared.