Violence against women

People with intellectual disabilities have the right to live included in society.

Violence against women with intellectual disabilities

Stop the violence now!

Women with disabilities experience violence at significantly higher rates than women without disabilities, more frequently, for longer, in more ways, and by more perpetrators; they have considerably fewer pathways to safety, and are less likely to report experiences of violence. This is especially true for women with intellectual disabilities, above all if they live in long-stay residential institutions. 

Study on violence against women with intellectual disabilities

The Life after Violence report is available in regular version in English.

Easy-to-read version in:


Learn more about the subject:

Istanbul Convention

Easy-to-read version of the Istanbul Convention (.pdf), an agreement to stop violence against women in Europe.

Read our articles: 


See all articles about life after violence, about institutions and about violence against women.

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This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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