The European Platform of Self-Advocates (for short, EPSA)
is made up of groups of self-advocates
from different countries in Europe.
EPSA has spoken for self-advocacy organisations
in Europe since the year 2000.
EPSA has 20 member organisations from 17 countries.

What EPSA does
EPSA makes sure Inclusion Europe is inclusive organisation.
EPSA selects 3 board members of Inclusion Europe.
EPSA also gives Inclusion Europe ideas about what we should do.
EPSA gives Inclusion Europe feedback on how well self-advocates are represented and included.
EPSA self-advocates represent Inclusion Europe at conferences and meetings.
Every 2 years, EPSA organises Hear our Voices! self-advocacy conference.
EPSA meetings
Every year, EPSA holds a General Meeting.
At this meeting, all members come together
and decide on important issues.
For example, they agree on a work plan
or elect members of the Steering Group.
EPSA Steering Group
The Steering Group is a group of self-advocates
that lead EPSA.
They meet several times a year.
These are the members of the EPSA Steering Group:

László Bercse
from ÉFOÉSZ, Hungary
László is the Chair of EPSA Steering Group.
László is also Vice-president of Inclusion Europe.

Oswald Föllerer
from Selbstvertretungszentrum Wien, Austria

Ana Martínez
from Plena inclusión, Spain

Andreas Zehetner
from Lebenshilfe Österreich, Austria
Andreas is also board member of Inclusion Europe.