The report, Employment and Covid-19 report, is written by Inclusion Europe and Plena inclusión under the My Talents For Diversity project. The report covers the state of employment of people with intellectual disabilities, before, during and after the  COVID-19 pandemic.
On Human Rights Day, Inclusion Europe joins organisations in Europe calling on governments and the EU to end segregation and discrimination of people with disabilities.
László Bercse, Chair of the European Platform of Self-Advocates and the Vice-President of Inclusion Europe, speaks about the impact of Covid 19 on lives of persons with disabilities.
Inclusion Europe wants people to know what happened to people with intellectual disabilities and their families during the Covid-19 crisis. The report shows people with intellectual disabilities were segregated and discriminated against once more.
Inclusion Europe wants people to know what happened to people with intellectual disabilities and their families during the Covid-19 crisis. The report shows people with intellectual disabilities were segregated and discriminated against once more.