Giving the Coronavirus emergence in Europe,
we decided to share some information in easy-to-read
about the virus.
The information comes from different organisations
and is in multiple languages.
Self-advocate Ellis Jongerius wrote a blog post about the life with a mild intellectual disability for the Dutch Care Institute. We translated her post into English.
National Healthcare System (NHS) in the UK issued a report which calls for wide changes in the complaints procedures in the UK. The key health organisations will be controlling its implementation the following year, making sure it will bring expected changes in the way the NHS is handling the objections nowadays.
On 15th of October, Inclusion Europe attended an event on equal access to healthcare at the European Parliament hosted by Diane Dodds, MEP. The event called “It’s our Year, give us a voice!” focused on active citizenship of people with disabilities through equal access to healthcare and was organised by the International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in cooperation with European disability networks and the European Year of Citizens Alliance.