Information for all: European standards for making information easy to read and understand

Information for all: European standards for making information easy to read and understand

Information for all: European standards for making information easy to read and understand

These standards are to help people make their information easy to read and understand.

Anyone who wants to make information easy to read and understand can use the standards.

Language versions of easy-to-read standards

The standards are available in many languages:

English: Information for all: European standards for making information easy to read and understand (.pdf)

čeština: Informace pro všechny: Evropská pravidla pro tvorbu snadno srozumitelných informací (.pdf)

Deutsch: Informationen für alle: Europäische Regeln, wie man Informationen leicht lesbar und leicht verständlich macht (.pdf)

eesti: Informatsioon kõigi jaoks: Euroopa standardid informatsiooni lihtsalt loetavaks ja mõistetavaks muutmiseks (.pdf)

Español: Información para todos: Las reglas europeas para hacer información fácil de leer y comprender (.pdf)

Français: L’information pour tous: Règles européennes pour une information facile à lire et à comprendre (.pdf)

hrvatski: Informacije za sve: Europski standardi za izradu lako razumljivih informacija (.pdf)

Italiano: Informazioni per tutti: Linee guida europee per rendere l’informazione facile da leggere e da capire per tutti (.pdf)

latviešu: Informācija visiem: Eiropas standarti viegli lasāmas un saprotamas informācijas veidošanai (.pdf)

lietuvių: Informacija, skirta visiems: Europinės rekomendacijos, kaip rengti lengvai skaitomą ir suprantamą informaciją (.pdf)

magyar: Információ mindenkinek: A könnyen érthető kommunikáció európai alapelvei (.pdf)

polski: Informacja dla wszystkich: Europejskie standardy przygotowania tekstu łatwego do czytania i zrozumienia (.pdf)

Português: Informação para todos: Regras Europeias para fazer informação fácil de ler e de perceber (.pdf)

slovenčina: Informácie pre všetkých: Európske pravidlá tvorby ľahko čitateľných a ľahko zrozumiteľných informácií (.pdf)

slovenščina: Informacije za sve: Evropska pravila za pripravo informacij v lahko berljivi in razumljivi obliki (.pdf)

српски / srpski: Информације за све (.pdf) – Informacije za sve (.pdf) (translation Caritas Serbia)

Shqipja: Informacion për të gjithë (.pdf) (translation Caritas Serbia)

Suomi: Tietoa kaikille: Helppolukuinen ja ymmärrettävä teksti yleiseurooppalainen standardi (.pdf)


“Information for all: European standards for making information easy to read and understand” was created by “Pathways to adult education for people with intellectual disabilities” project partners in 2010.

Checklist on easy-to-read texts

Here is a simplified version (.pdf) of the guidelines, with the key-rules checklist.

Frequently asked questions about easy to read.

Easy-to-read logo

Easy to read logoThe picture is called “the easy-to-read logo”.

Inclusion Europe owns this picture.

You do not need to ask us for specific permission to use the logo, as long as:

  • your publication respects easy-to-read guidelines, and
  • include this text in your publication: “© European Easy-to-Read Logo: Inclusion Europe. More information at”

More details about how to use the logo (.pdf).



More in easy-to-read:

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