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On February 24th, 2022, Russia launched a war against Ukraine.
But even before the war people with intellectual disabilties
were having a hard time.
Here are some of the things they went through:
- Isolation, barriers to community support
- No human rights
For families the care would fall on them.
This war has doubled the pressure.
An organization in Ukraine NGO Coalition is a network
of around 118 support services
that fights for the protection
of the Rights of persons with disabilties
This organization represents around 14,000 families.
We want to describe how this war has affected us as well.
The 14,000 families with person with intellectual disabilties
want to show thanks for all the help they got through these hard times.
Inclusion Europe did a fundraising campaign on the 8th of March.
From the first 100 days Inclusion Europe gave 60,000 euro.
With this money we have been able to give 3,470 money
to around 470 Ukrainians with intellectual disabilties.
We have also given 10-day care for 8
person with disabilties and rest for the family.
A lot of more money has been moved to other members of the Coalition
to be able to pay for things that they need right now.
The Danish NGO who name is AMIS DK
has donated money to the Coalition.
The organization called Ceva de spus has also given a lot of money
which will help families in Ukraine.
The Latvian organization whose name is Vitis
sent a big amount of humanitarian aid to Ukraine like
Food, Medicine, Clothing, Hygiene items and other things as well.
The problem for people with intellectual disabilties
who live in Ukraine is that they get no support to help them find housing.
Also, when covid-19 came to Ukraine it was also hard for them to cope
and they could not see their family because of Covid-19.
The day care program in Ukraine only covered around 300 people in total
and the public was paying for it.
In 2019 the Minister of Social Policy decide
to stop giving support to the day care system.
But a few weeks even the war, the Coalition went and asked national
to see if they can change the situation,
but they could not do anything to help.
Around 30 non-governmental organizations could claim
that this war had a huge impact for the business in Ukraine.
Here are some of the things that were said.
- the fear of explosions and alarms
- depressed state and anxiety
- Seizures
- Lack of communication
- Rocket attacks
- Constant stress
This war also created new barriers for Ukraine people with intellectual disabilties to have support daily.
- Educational and medical services
- Assistance
- Lack of activity
- No housing
- Not many bomb shelters