Briefing: impact of the Coronavirus shutdown of schools – ETR

Inclusion Europe is publishing a briefing on the lack of education for children with intellectual disabilities in the Coronavirus emergency.

Briefing: impact of the Coronavirus shutdown of schools - ETR

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Inclusion Europe is publishing a briefing on  

the lack of education for children with intellectual disabilities  

in the Coronavirus emergency.


Coronavirus changes many things.

But it highlights the ongoing segregation and

discrimination of people with intellectual disabilities.

In the Coronavirus emergency,

schools are closed.


The shutdown of schools is a major problem for

students with intellectual disabilities,

their families and their teachers.


Most students with intellectual disabilities are not able to

continue their learning during the Coronavirus lockdown.


Schools and governments must ensure that

discrimination and exclusion of students with intellectual disabilities

do not become normal.


Schools and governments need to ensure that

students with intellectual disabilities are not disadvantaged

from other students.

This briefing reminds governments to provide education to

students with disabilities

during the Coronavirus emergency.


Here is what the brief contains:


Situation analysis that

show how students with intellectual disabilities are being

further excluded from education by the Coronavirus measures.


Potential solutions and suggestions that

could improve the lives of students

with intellectual disabilities and their families.


Issues and error to watch out for

and mistakes to avoid when schools start again.


Resources on inclusive education

in times of Coronavirus.


A survey for completion by

parents, teachers and children with intellectual disabilities.

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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