Elements and goals of the European Disability Strategy – Video

What is the European Disability Strategy? How can the European Disability Strategy improve the lives of people with intellectual disabilities ?

Elements and goals of the European Disability Strategy - Video

Find the meaning of the words in bold in the dictionary at the end of the document.

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Current situation for persons with disabilities in the European Union

Around 87 million people with disabilities

living in the European Union face barriers.


Persons with disabilities are more likely to

face barriers in healthcare, education, employment,

recreation activities and participation in political life.  

Unemployment and poverty

Employment rate of people with disabilities is at 50.8%,  

compared to 75% for people without disabilities.

It means that persons with disabilities

are more likely to be unemployed.


The risk of poverty or social exclusion escalates to 28,4%. 

It means that persons with disabilities are more

likely to be poor and segregated from the community.

The European Disability Strategy

The European Commission adopted the ten-year

Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


The strategy calls for an inclusive society

in which the rights of people living with disabilities

are protected and there is no discrimination.  


The strategy supports many projects around

EU rights, independent living, decision making,

non-discrimination and equal opportunities.  

The goal of the strategy is to include

the rights of people living with disabilities

into all policies and areas.  


The strategy wants to ensure equal access to

health care, employment, public transport and housing.  

Elements of the strategy

The strategy includes elements to improve

the life of the people with disabilities.


The strategy will support people with disabilities

who get affected by health crises like Covid-19.  

European Disability Card

The European Disability card project

will allow for mutual recognition of disabilities

in different EU countries.


It means that the card will show the disability

someone has and it will be recognised by all EU countries.


Person with disabilities can use the card while traveling and

use it in case it’s necessary.


For example, someone can use it to access transportation

or healthcare help while in a different country.

The European Accessibility Act

The European Accessibility Act recommends  

that more products and services

need to be accessible to everyone.


Products like smartphones and tablets 

ATMs or E-books.


This will help persons with disabilities

live more independently.

The Directive on Web accessibility  

The Directive on Web accessibility is a recommendation

to make the online data and services

more accessible to people with disabilities. 


The directive will affect public institutions

like hospitals, courts or universities.


The directive will help persons with disabilities

who need information written in easy to read.

Elements and goals of the European Disability Strategy

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This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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