Click on a word which is in blue and bold to read what it means.

Inclusion Europe is a member of the EEG.
The EEG is a group of people working on institutions.
They want to make sure that people who live in institutions
can move from institutions to the community.
For example, people with disabilities, children or homeless people
who live in institutions.

Money of the European Union
is sometimes used to create new institutions
or to rebuild old institutions.
The EEG wants to stop this from happening.
The EEG wants to make sure
that the money of the European Union
is used for community and family care.

For this reason, the EEG has worked together
with “Hope and homes for children”.
“Hope and homes for children” is an organisation
that wants to close institutions for children.

The EEG and “Hope and homes for children”
wrote a text.
This text tells people who work at the European Union
how they can make sure
that money of the European Union
is used for community and family care.