Find the meaning of the words in bold in the dictionary at the end of the document.

To start off the event of the European Accessibility Summit we are
hearing from Catherine Naughton who is the Director of the European
Disability Forum.
Now we are hearing from Nanna Louise, and she is from Microsoft.
She is telling us about something that happen to her.
She is saying that we should think about creating programs to help
people with intellectual disabilities.
Now we are hearing from Lissa Shook from Microsoft and Ali
Dehghanpour who works for PayPal.
Ali is saying that all PayPal systems should be made accessible to all
people with intellectual disabilities.
Tommy Zonnekein who is from the SNCB is saying people with
intellectual disabilities cannot take a train by themselves.
He said that there needs to be a system which allows people with
intellectual disabilities to be able to take the train.
Tommy from SNCB said all train stations in Belgium should be made
easier for people with intellectual disabilities to use.
He is also saying that the ticket machine should be made easy for
people with intellectual disabilities to be able to buy their ticket using
these machines.
Radha Gohil from Shell is telling us about an app which helps people
with intellectual disabilities to pay for their gas.
We are now hearing from Gurpreet Kaur who works for Mastercard, and
she told us about a program which helps people with intellectual
disabilities to pay for things.
Gurpreet agrees with Ali from PayPal and she is saying that at
Mastercard they are trying to make things easier for people with
intellectual disabilities.
Now Anna Drabarz from the European Disability Forum is talking and
she is saying that there are barriers which stop people with intellectual
disabilities from enjoying life to the fullest.
She is also saying more companies should make an effort to make
things more accessible for all people with intellectual disabilities.
She is worried that some members states have given up to help people
with intellectual disabilities.
We are hearing from Jenny Lay-Flurrie from Microsoft, and she is telling
us that now on Microsoft Teams you can have closed captions.
Jenny is talking about artificial intelligence, and she said it is important to
be accessible for people with intellectual disabilities.
Alejandro Moledo from the European Disability Forum is saying that
there is still a long way to go to help in making sure that all services are
made accessible for people with intellectual disabilities.
Now we are hearing from Tom Van Den Bosch, and he is from itsme. He
is saying that their services are not accessible for people with intellectual
disabilities at all.
Tom is saying that people with intellectual disabilities face problems in
their everyday lives.
He is saying that itsme is only available
for smartphone and not yet available on desktop.
Lidia Best from the European Federation of Hard of Hearing is saying
that she was looking for Polish captions on Teams and she could not find them at all.
We are hearing from Inmaculada Placenica Porrero who is from the
European Commission.
Inmaculada is talking about how the Accessible Center will be for people
with intellectual disabilities.
Susanna Laurin is the Chief Research and Innovation officer at Funka.
She is talking about making sure that all systems are accessible for
people with intellectual disabilities.