Finally my life is what I want it to be – Easy to read

Story from Petr Laník who lived in an institution.

Finally my life is what I want it to be - Easy to read

Find the meaning of the words in bold in the dictionary at the end of the document.

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My name is Petr Laník.

I was in an institution in Jindřichov since I was 4 years old.

I was far away from my family, they were 2 hours drive from me.

We saw very little of each other.

I was among 150 other men who were mostly old.

I was treated badly by the other residents and the staff.

I had no privacy.


When I was 17 years old I learned about an institution in Ostrava.

I moved to the institution in Ostrava.

Finally I could see my family again, we were in contact more often.

The environment was also better, I got out more often.

But it still wasn’t the same.


It was after 27 years in institutions

when I moved to sheltered housing in Ostrava.


There I finally started to live a normal life.

I had to take care of myself, clean my room,

cook, do my shopping.

I have my own computer in my room,

where I can choose what event to go to.

I like to go to ice hockey, football, concerts, and the theatre.

I go out by myself whenever I want.

It’s been 8 years, and I’ve been tempted to go further.

I’m currently looking for an apartment

and it looks like I’m going to make it and move into my rental.


There I will be supported by the assistance of the outreach services of JINAK

who will only come to me when I need it.

They will help me to find my way in the new environment.

One day, I may even find someone.

I’d like to have a job.

Finally, my life is looking the way I want it to.

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