Houston and Katie Vandergriff: Life with an intellectual disabilities – Easy to read

In the new episode of Inclusion Europe Radio our communication trainee, Myrto Delkou, interviewed Houston Vandergriff and his mother, Katie Vandergriff. Houston is 23 years old and was born with Down Syndrome. Houston is a travel photographer and has won awards for his photographs.

Houston and Katie Vandergriff: Life with an intellectual disabilities – Easy to read

Find the meaning of the words in bold in the dictionary at the end of the document.

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Inclusion Europe radio is the podcast
created by Inclusion Europe.

In the new episode of Inclusion Europe Radio
our communication trainee, Myrto Delkou,
interviewed Houston Vandergriff
and his mother, Katie Vandergriff.

Houston is 23 years old and was
born with Down Syndrome.
Houston is a travel photographer and has won
awards for his photographs.

Myrto, Houston and Katie talked about
what it is like to live and to work as
a person with a disability.

Houston and his family have  
travelled in many countries. 
Houston likes to take photos  
of cities, people and flowers. 
Houston also makes a lot  
of friends in the countries he visits. 
Houston is also on social media.  
Many people follow Houston  
on Instagram and on TikTok. 
There is a TikTok video on Houston’s account 
that was seen by more than 10 million people. 

In the video Houston says that because he was
born with Down Syndrome the doctors told
his parents that he would not be successful.

Houston is very successful now and his
family is very proud of him.

Katie and Houston also told Myrto
that the support of families is very important.
Katie said that having a family member
with Down Syndrome can be very nice.

Houston recently started an online shop
where he sells prints of his photography.
Houston also works at a thrift store
and his coworkers love to work with him.

Houston and Katie want people with disabilities
to know that they can do a lot of things
and that they should not listen to people
who don’t believe in them.

Houston and Katie say that if we include everyone
in our society, then everyone wins.

Houston is very close with his family.
His dad is his best friend.

Before the interview ended, Katie said that
she hopes we can make a change in the world
by talking about disabilities.

People can follow Houston on social media.
Houston has an account on TikTok: @downsandtowns.
Houston also has an account on Instagram: @downsandtowns

Houston’s website is downsandtowns.com


You can listen to the interview here:

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