Let’s talk about self-advocates’ role in disability policies in Europe - online conversation 7 November
Why do people with intellectual disabilities need to have a voice on EU issues?
How does European self-advocacy platform work?
And what does all this even mean?
Soufiane El Amrani and Milan Šveřepa take your questions on all things Inclusion Europe.
Join them on 7 November 2023 from 14:00 to 15:00 Brussels time, online.

Let’s talk about self-advocates’ role in disability policies in Europe. Soufiane El Amrani and Milan Šveřepa take your questions on all things Inclusion Europe.
Join them online 7 November 2023 from 14:00 Brussels time.
Soufiane is accessibility expert of Inclusion Europe. Soufiane works closely with the European Platform of Self-Advocates, and represents European self-advocates on the Council of Inclusion International.
Milan is director of Inclusion Europe.
Register here to join the conversation on 7 November.
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