SafeSurfing: training people with intellectual disabilities on safe online behaviour

Inclusion Europe, together with partners FEAPS, PSOUU, Mencap and ANFFAS, has launched an ambitious project in several European countries aimed at training people with disabilities on data protection and safe online behaviour.

SafeSurfing: training people with intellectual disabilities on safe online behaviour
etr Inclusion Europe and other organisations started a project.

The project is called SafeSurfing.

SafeSurfing will help people with disabilities
use the Internet in a safer way.

Even though the internet is useful in many ways,
sometimes it can be dangerous.

Examples of the dangers of the internet
are people stealing personal information
and people hurting other people.

People with disabilities are especially at risk
of being hurt.

To stop this, the SafeSurfing project will teach people with intellectual disabilities
to use to internet in a safe way.

Inclusion Europe, together with partners FEAPSPSOUUMencap and ANFFAS, has launched an ambitious project in several European countries aimed at training people with disabilities on data protection and safe online behaviour.

Even though the use of technological tools has greatly benefitted people with disabilities in all aspects of their lives, it has also put them at risk in relation to identity fraud, cybercrime, cyber bullying and general abuse.

Whether due to major difficulties in obtaining valid legal consent from people with intellectual disabilities, problems with understanding redress mechanisms, or even the simple fact that accessing easy-to-read information could identify a user as having an intellectual disability, people with intellectual disabilities are more vulnerable online, and more prone to suffering abuse.

“People using online banking and other websites might not know where the information they have given has gone. It worries me a lot and I can’t stop worrying,” said Ismail Kaji, who has an intellectual disability and is a Parliamentary Affairs Assistant at Mencap.

The SafeSurfing Project will provide interactive online training sessions for over 1000 people with disabilities in the five partner countries, as well as produce and disseminate five training videos on different aspects of data protection.

No full inclusion will take place until people with intellectual disabilities are able to enjoy all aspects of life on an equal basis with others. Supporting people with intellectual disabilities in using the internet safely could have a huge impact on their level of independence, their well-being and their sense of ownership.

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