Sharing policy practices on the European Platform for Investing in Children

It is positive to see the European Council calling for “stepping up efforts to reach the Europe 2020 targets”. This supports the request of employment and social affairs ministers during their EPSCO meeting last week to “strengthen their efforts to reduce poverty”.

Sharing policy practices on the European Platform for Investing in Children
etr There is a website where anyone can say

what happened in his country

that helped to children to have a better life.

This website wants to help governments and organisations

to make the life better for children around Europe.

The European Platform for Investing in Children (EPIC) provides information about innovative practices in policies towards children and families in Europe. At a time when the European crisis impact also on the lives of minors, EPIC aims to support families and children through collecting best the evidence-based practices of successful policymaking for children and families, and to provide them a space for mutual cooperation and learning.

EPIC invites practitioners, organisations, academics to submit their contribution to the platform and therefore encourage social innovation through their practices. Policy practices are searchable through various categories in the ‘Practices that Work’ sections. Another section called ‘Countries Overview’ demonstrates the overall picture about social policies towards families and challenges to overcome in EU member states.

EPIC is an initiative of the European Commission to open the dialogue and cooperation amongst stakeholders active in the field of children-related practices. In February 2013, the European Commission adopted the recommendation entitled “Investing in Children- breaking the cycle of disadvantage” as part of the Social Investment Package which propose strategies to overcome the challenges caused by current crisis in European society. Within the recommendation’s framework, EPIC will help to collect the best practices which were found to have a positive impact on children and families in EU Member States.


How can you submit your proposal?

Any kind of good practice which affected positively the lives of children can be submitted to the platform. Policies, regulations, strategies, programs or trainings are the examples of the practices which can be publish.

Inclusion Europe encourages its members to submit their experiences in the area of rights and empowerment of children with intellectual disabilities. The practices should be submitted via an online form. Share your good practices and get them published in EPIC database! You can also contact the European Commission via email for more information.


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