Solidarity march against austerity cuts in Brussels

In the run-up to the European elections, the European Network for Independent Living (ENIL), together with Onafhankelijk Leven, is organizing a solidarity march through Brussels, on 5 May, in support of people with disabilities.

Solidarity march against austerity cuts in Brussels
etr On 5 May the European Network for Independent Living (in short ENIL)

organizes a march called Walk of Shame.

The march is taking places in Brussels.

Brussels is the capital of Belgium.

The march is for people with disabilities to have equal rights

just as everybody else.

logo-enilIn the run-up to the European elections, the European Network for Independent Living (ENIL), together with Onafhankelijk Leven, is organizing a solidarity march through Brussels, on 5 May, in support of people with disabilities.

The march, suggestively titled The Walk of Shame, wishes to raise awareness of issues impacting the lives of people with disabilities, such as forced institutionalisation, the lack of community inclusion and the grave impact of austerity measures implemented by EU national governments. Part of a wider international campaign by ENIL, called ‘Stop Disability Cuts’, The Walk of Shame wishes to bring its message to the doorstep of the European Commission, asking decision-makers to stop making budget cuts which impact people with disabilities and their right to an active life within the community.

‘Stop Disability Cuts’ is an EU-wide campaign organized by ENIL with the support of the European Disability Forum and the European Foundation Centre’s Consortium of Foundations on Human Rights and Disability. Its online platform showcases real life data and testimonials speaking out about the negative effect austerity measures have had on the lives of persons with disabilities and their families. At the same time, ‘Stop Disability Cuts’ is a discussions and ideas forum, promoting the sharing and development of creative solutions and best practices.

ENIL has extended an invitation to the event to all those interested in supporting the movement: people with disabilities, their families, organisations and members of the public, as well as members of the EU Parliament. ‘We invite all disabled people, their associations, allies and sympathizers, to walk along with us. We also invite MEPs and other policy makers to join us and to engage in dialogue with us during this solidarity walk.’onafhankelijk-leven logo-web-groot.preview

ENIL is a network of people with disabilities, present in countries all over Europe. ENIL promotes independent living, equal opportunities and fights against all forms of discrimination of people with disabilities. Onafhankelijk Leven is a Flemish organisation of and for persons with disabilities. Its work is focused on defending the rights of people with disabilities and empowering them to be able to live freely and independently within their communities.


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