The Accessibility Act is now official – ETR

The European Parliament has made the Accessibility Act official. This text wants to make many things more accessible in Europe.

The Accessibility Act is now official

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The European Parliament has made
the Accessibility Act official.
This text wants to make many things
more accessible in Europe.

It is the first time in the history of the European Union
that a text like this is made.

The Accessibility Act talks a lot about the internet.
This means that a lot of websites
and information on the internet
now must be accessible.

The Act also says what can be done

to make things more accessible:

  • information: try to always use the same words
    so that people with intellectual disabilities
    can understand better
  • use: make sure that websites are easy-to-use
    and that there is enough time to put passwords in.

The Accessibility Act helps make things
more accessible for people with intellectual disabilities.

Now national governments have to make good laws
following the Accessibility Act.

The Accessibility Act must still be accepted
by the Council of the European Union.

Then the member states of the European Union will have 3 years
to change their laws following the Accessibility Act.

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