The ‘Global Campaign for Education’ alliance released a report on inclusive education

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) issued a report calling for inclusive education for children with disabilities. A report entitled “Equal Right, Equal Opportunity” urges national governments to adopt appropriate legislative frameworks and set out national plans for inclusive education.

The 'Global Campaign for Education' alliance released a report on inclusive education
etr All children should have a chance
to go to school and learn with others.Some children with disabilities do not have this chance.

They have to go to classes
only for children with disabilities.

This has to change.

There is a report to tell governments
about the right of children with disabilities
to learn in regular schools with other children.

The Global Campaign for Education (GCE) issued a report calling for inclusive education for children with disabilities. A report entitled “Equal Right, Equal Opportunity” urges national governments to adopt appropriate legislative frameworks and set out national plans for inclusive education.

The report on education and disability summarises current evidence of exclusion from education faced by children with disabilities as well as the obstacles to quality education in developed and developing countries. It sets out the recommendations for national governments to create inclusive educational systems which can help bring down the barriers in quality learning.

The report points out that disability is a major reason for dropping out school for children in developing countries. In Nepal for example, 85% of children out of school are disabled. Another problem is the segregated schools systems. In many countries children with disabilities are obliged to receive education in segregated classes, which limits their contact with non-disabled peers. Moreover, quality of this education is often inferior to the mainstream one and restricts the possibilities of children with disabilities to continue learning at secondary and higher education institutions.

In this regard, the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities represents a cornerstone for an inclusive education. The report therefore calls on all countries to ratify the CRPD and implement this commitment in national plans for inclusive educational policies. Properly trained teachers, accessible classrooms and supporting facilities must be put in place to sustain inclusive learning. Raising awareness and data evidence must ensure that rights of children with disabilities are promoted to receive quality education.

Furthermore, the report provides also policy recommendations for bi-lateral donors and international community to enhance inclusive education building. Countries should allocate at least 10% of aid budgets to basic education. Measurable global targets for inclusive education and disability must be set into the post 2015 agenda.

You can find a full version of report here.

GCE is a civil society coalition that calls on governments to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality, public education. Operating in 97 countries with members including grassroots organisations, teachers’ unions, child rights groups and international NGOs, its mission is to make sure that States act now to deliver the right of everyone to a free, quality public education.

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