Unapei to take part in the first Trade Exhibition on Disability and Responsible Purchasing

The first edition of “Salon Handicap & Achats Responsables”, a Trade Exhibition on Disability and Responsible Purchasing, organised by LVMH and “Les Échos, in collaboration with Unapei, will take place on 14 March 2016.

Unapei to take part in the first Trade Exhibition on Disability and Responsible Purchasing
etr Unapei is an organisation that fights
for the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities in France.Unapei is a member of Inclusion Europe.

They organise an event with big companies
to help businesses to be more accessible
for people with disabilities.

This event is called Trade Exhibition
on Disability and Responsible Purchasing.

It will take place on 14 March 2016 in Paris.

Many people will be present at this event.

People working for banks and big companies
will meet associations and companies
that employ persons with disabilities.

There will be many workshops, conferences
and other activities to discuss how persons with disabilities
can be better included in the working place.

If you wish to participate, please click here.


The first edition of “Salon Handicap & Achats Responsables”, a Trade Exhibition on Disability and Responsible Purchasing will take place on 14 March 2016. This trade exhibition organised by LVMH and “Les Échos, in collaboration with Unapei, aims at providing businesses with the necessary tools and information to set up or improve their enterprises’ disability policies. Involved in this project since its genesis in 2014,Unapei  is part of the scientific committee of the event, and also coordinates the gathering of members from the disability sector.

In France, ESAT (Etablissements et Services d’Aide par le Travail) are centers providing care through employment for persons with disabilities. They offer them professional activities and some medico-social support while encouraging their personal development. Adapted Enterprises count more than 80% of persons with disabilities within their staff and ensure working conditions adapted to their needs. Both initiatives, recognised as the “protected sector”, encourage the employment of persons with disabilities and provide the necessary conditions for their social inclusion.

More than 60 ESAT and Adapted Enterprises will have their owns stands at the trade fair, where they will present their expertise and services in a wide range of fields such as information technologies, catering, marketing or industrial services.

This event will bring together 1000 contractors and human resources development staff from big companies, and 500 visitors from the medico-social sector. The event is the occasion to meet different actors, and to foster fruitful partnerships with the protected sector. Moreover, visitors will have the opportunity to gain better understanding on the challenges and tools to improve disability policies within a company through a series of workshops, conferences and roundtables. The workshops will cover different topics such as how to raise awareness on the needs of people with disabilities, and how to provide direct or indirect employment for people with disabilities.

The first edition of “Salon Handicap & Achats Responsables” is open to everyone and will take place at the Palais des Congrès in Paris on 14 March 2016. You can provisionally enrol here.

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