Voluntary Review: Fill in questionnaire for the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made. This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives. Being visible and vocal on issues directly affecting millions of people requires your...

Voluntary Review: Fill in questionnaire for the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities

Other stakeholdersOn Tuesday 9 May, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities held an Online Webinar on “The involvement of organisations of persons with disabilities in the Voluntary National Reviews”. The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities would like to compile a case study based on the Voluntary National Reviews and the engagement of persons with disabilities therein at the national level.

The case study will focus on the situation of persons with disabilities and their advocacy efforts and engagement with their governments. Responses received from DPOs (organisations of persons with disabilities) will be compiled into a case study organised by country. You are invited to complete the Phase 1 Questionnaire on Voluntary National Review, Disability CountryThe deadline is 1 June 2017.

Please send completed questionnaires to Orsolya Bartha (obartha@ida-secretariat.org). To read learn more, please visit the dedicated webpage. Please find here the transcript of the webinar

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

Being visible and vocal on issues directly affecting millions of people requires your support. 

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