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Inclusion Europe had an event
at the European Parliament.
During this event, we spoke about the European elections
and accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities.
Everyone at the event agreed
on 3 things:
1. Every person should be able to vote
2. If we want people
with intellectual disabilities to vote,
we need to make it accessible for them.
3. The situation is getting better
in many European countries, for example:
Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain and Slovakia.
During the event, the Belgian self-advocate
Jean Molynas talked about his opinion on the topic.
“It is not fair that people with intellectual disabilities
cannot vote.
If politicians want to be elected,
they should make sure that everyone
can understand what they say.”
We also talked about a document
that was published by the
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
This document talks about the right to vote
for people under guardianship
in the countries of the European Union.

A Vice-president of the European Parliament
also spoke at our event.
Her name is Sylvie Guillaume.
She said that the European Commission
should do more things
to make sure that people with intellectual disabilities
can have full voting rights
in each EU member state.
Milena Johnová is a city councillor for Prague.
She spoke about what her city is doing
to make elections more accessible
for people with intellectual disabilities.

Finally, we talked about getting elected.
André Burger spoke about his experience
as a parent of a son
with an intellectual disability.
He said that parents of people
with intellectual disabilities
should try to be elected,
because they know well
what needs to be changed.
He said: “Parents go for it!”
And self-advocate Jean Molynas
said that next year he wants to be elected
at the local elections.