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There’s no inclusion without accessibility!

We want texts, services and events that are easy-to-read and to understand

Imagine you’re reading a text, and you can’t understand it. 

Imagine you want to buy tickets at a machine, but you can’t figure out how. 

Imagine you’re taking part in an event, and you can’t follow it. 

Accessible information in any shape or form is key for people with intellectual disabilities to take part in society. It is a cornerstone for combatting discrimination and social exclusion. 

Inclusion Europe has been a pioneer for the promotion of accessible information:  

Accessible information

We have developed guidelines on how to provide easy-to-read information. The easy-to-read logo, which was launched by Inclusion Europe, is given to publications that respect these rules, and have been proofread by people with intellectual disabilities. 

Here are our website articles in easy-to-read.

We produce easy-to-read newsletter Europe for us!
The newsletter is available in 7 languages.

We also have this easy-to-read explanations of some difficult word in English, French, German, Spanish.

Accessible events and meetings

It is important to organise meetings and events in a way that allows everyone to take part.

We have produced some recommendations:

Read also this EDF guide to accessible meetings (.pdf) to which we contributed.

Click here for overview of events we organise.

Accessible elections

We advocate for accessibility at elections, to make sure that people with intellectual disabilities can exercise their right to vote.

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

Being visible and vocal on issues directly affecting millions of people requires your support. 

Become Inclusion Europe supporter and help us keep doing our work.


