Accessible elections. How to make voting easier to understand and to participate

Inclusion Europe created these tools to make elections accessible

Accessible elections. How to make voting easier to understand and to participate

The right to vote and be elected is one of the most fundamental rights of all European citizens. It is about taking part in the political process, being included in society and having our voice heard.


“States Parties shall undertake to ensure that persons with disabilities can effectively and fully participate in political and public life on an equal basis with others, directly or through freely chosen representatives, including the right and opportunity for persons with disabilities to vote and be elected.”


Even though the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities reaffirms the right to vote and be elected for people with disabilities, there are still restrictions in the European Union (EU), especially for people with intellectual disabilities.

Many countries deny people their right to vote.

And for many people who can vote, the actual act of voting is made very hard (and sometimes impossible) by barriers in accessibility.


Accessible elections

Inclusion Europe created these tools to make elections accessible:

Voting for all! How to make elections easier to understand and take part in: This document shows national inclusion organisations they can do in the run-up to elections to ensure that they are as accessible as possible, by the provision and effective dissemination of accessible information and by raising awareness amongst politicians, electoral bodies and citizens themselves about the importance of accessibility measures and full participation of all citizens in elections.


Recommendations for Accessible Elections in Europe covering five key areas: legislation on legal capacity, accessible information, training, support for decision-making in voting, and access to the voting process.


Good Practices for Accessible Elections in Europe


More about:

Our work brings the voice of people with intellectual disabilities and their families where decisions about their future are made.

This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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