Advocacy training: Women Empowerment – How to fight for women’s rights

The training will take place in Brussels, Belgium from 4 - 6 December 2019. Registrations are open until 6 November.

Advocacy training: Women Empowerment – How to fight for women’s rights and support each other

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Inclusion Europe is organising a 3-day training in Brussels.

The training will bring together self-advocates and family members
from across Europe.

The training will take place in Brussels, Belgium
from 4 – 6 December 2019.

Violence against women

Participants will learn more about:

  • What are women’s rights
  • How to stay safe
  • AbuseHow you can see violence is happening to you
  • What you can do if you have become a victim
  • Where to get support
  • How you can talk about violence, for example:
    ◦ within the self-advocacy movement,
    ◦ by getting in touch with women’s organisations in your country
    ► We will talk about a project we did on violence against women
  • Equal pay for equal work
  • Work-life balance
    Work-life balance means having time
    to do things outside of work.


The meeting will take place at


Hotel Aqua

Rue de Stassart 43

1050 Brussels

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This has always been incredibly important. It is even more so with the Covid pandemic drastic impact on their rights and lives.

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