This year, the European Commission will again give the “Access City Award” to cities and towns with at least 50,000 inhabitants which have found innovative ways to be more accessible.
2019 it will be the 10th time that cities will be presented with the award.
According to the European Commission, “by 2020, the EU is expected to have 120 million people with disabilities, and the population is becoming older”, which shows the relevance of the award.
Last year, the city of Gdynia in Poland received the third prize. The city is, amongst other things, doing innovative work to include persons with intellectual disabilities.
This year again, the European Commission specifically mentions the impact measures have had on people with intellectual disabilities in its call.
The deadline for applications is 11 September 2019, midnight Brussels time. The award ceremony will take place on 29 November 2019.
If you know about a city in your region which has improved accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities, please tell the city administration about the Access City Award. It is a great opportunity to promote accessibility for people with intellectual disabilities.