EAPN publishes 10 arguments for Active Inclusion

The EAPN has put-out a list of 10 arguments calling for of a European Active Inclusion Strategy. The arguments, published in leaflet format, are supporting measures meant to “reduce poverty, exclusion and inequalities and to enable everyone to live a decent life and participate in society”.

EAPN publishes 10 arguments for Active Inclusion
etr The European Commission (in short EC) wants to build
an inclusive Europe.
This is why the EC has created Active Inclusion.Active Inclusion is a way for:

  •     jobs to be more accessible to all Europeans
  •     public services  to be more accessible to all Europeans

The EC wants Member States to make Active Inclusion reality.

The European Anti-Poverty Network (in short, EAPN) is
an organization fighting against poverty.
EAPN also supports an inclusive Europe.

The EAPN wrote a list of 10 Arguments for Active Inclusion.
The 10 Arguments want to convince Member States
to do more things for Active Inclusion.

The 10 Arguments are saying that:

  •     People have the right to get a job.
  •     It is very important to have a job and earn your own money.

You can read the full list of Arguments at this link.

The EAPN has put-out a list of 10 arguments calling for of a European Active Inclusion Strategy. The arguments, published in leaflet format, are supporting measures meant to “reduce poverty, exclusion and inequalities and to enable everyone to live a decent life and participate in society”.

Active Inclusion is a 2008 European Commission strategy, developed to help Europeans of working age find a job and support themselves. With the purpose of improving the quality of life of people facing social exclusion, the initiative also looks at ways of encouraging local community participation and enhancing one’s confidence levels, skills and aptitudes through counseling and training.

According to the EAPN though, in the past four years, not much headway has been made in providing an “integrated comprehensive strategy for active inclusion” to Member States by European institutions. EAPN further explained that the lack of progress has led the European Commission to demand in February 2013 that national governments fully implement its Recommendation on Active Inclusion with urgency.

EAPN therefore created the 10 arguments for Active Inclusion in order to explain to Member States why it is both important and beneficial to adhere to an Active Inclusion policy, combining “adequate minimum support and an inclusive labour market with access to quality service”. The 10 arguments include the following: the right to work and earn minimum wage as an essential human right, the importance of adequate income in social inclusion and community participation, the empowering effect of employment, or the fact that “the cost of exclusion in the long term is greater than the cost of inclusion in the short term”.

For the full list of arguments for Active Inclusion, please follow this link.

The European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN) is the largest European network of national, regional and local networks, involving anti-poverty NGOs and grassroot groups as well as European Organisations, active in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. It was established in 1990.

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