Inclusive school campaign in France

Unapei together with other French organisations - APAJH, APF, CCAH and Réunica - launched a campaign for inclusive schools in France. On 3 December - the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 450 000 copies of a magazine Mon Quotidien (My Daily) were delivered to students all over the country to raise their awareness about inclusive learning.

Inclusive school campaign in France
etr All children should have a chance to go the same schools.
Children with intellectual disabilities are often not allowed
to go to the same schools as other children.In France, organisations helping people with disabilities
want to change this.

They want to help children with disabilities
to be able to go to same schools as other children.

They started a campaign to help people understand
why all children should go to the same schools.

Unapei together with other French organisations – APAJH, APF, CCAH and Réunica  – launched a campaign for inclusive schools in France. On 3 December – the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 450 000 copies of a magazine Mon Quotidien (My Daily) were delivered to students all over the country to raise their awareness about inclusive learning.

In France, the number of young persons with disabilities has significantly risen over the last decades. However, the education in mainstream schools remained to be accessible only for their non-disabled peers. With this in mind, the campaign aims to raise awareness about the need to change this reality and open up mainstream schooling for all youngsters.

As part of the campaign, the organisations also delivered 6 different discussion cards to mainstream schools, encouraging teachers  to organise reflective debates on the principles of inclusive education. Their aim is to provoke discussions and curiosity in students to reflect about how inclusive environment can be achieved in a class.

Source: Unapei, France

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