To mark the 10th anniversary of the 2005 Act on Equal Rights and Opportunities for people with disabilities, the French Institute for Public Opinion, together with a group of organisations working for disabled persons, among which Inclusion Europe member Unapei, has released a report on the "limited progress" that the Act has brought about, and the problems people with disabilities still face in France.
Unapei is organising a day event which will analyse the current French social support system and its failure in helping people with disabilities live independently and become financially secure.
In both Europe and North America, more and more families are taking action over Disney’s discriminatory treatment of people with intellectual disabilities visiting its amusement parks.
Inclusion Europe member Unapei has published a white paper on the accessibility of the French healthcare system for people with intellectual disabilities.
If you are actively trying to make society accessible to French people with intellectual disabilities, you can now promote your initiatives through Les Victoires de l’accessibilité contest (Accesibility Victories, in French).
The French association for people with disabilities Unapei warns that immediate government action needs to be taken to successfully assist the large number of aging people with disabilities.
On 14 March 2014, Inclusion Europe’s member organisations Unapei, the National federation of associations of parents, of persons with intellectual disabilities, and their friends and Nous Aussi, French association of persons with intellectual disabilities, are organising a Self- advocacy day.
Unapei and its member organisations call on municipalities to improve the participation of people with intellectual disabilities in public life in France. Unapei demands the local government to empower persons with intellectual disabilities to become actors in political life and to make local services and places accessible for everyone.
Unapei together with other French organisations - APAJH, APF, CCAH and Réunica - launched a campaign for inclusive schools in France. On 3 December - the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 450 000 copies of a magazine Mon Quotidien (My Daily) were delivered to students all over the country to raise their awareness about inclusive learning.
Unapei has criticised government inaction when responding to the challenges faced by more than 30,000 families in France who have ageing adult children with intellectual disabilities.