Europe in Action to End Segregation conference takes place from 7 to 9 September 2022 in Brussels.
The conference was an opportunity for our movement to come together after almost 3 years.
- To meet and exchange on what is happening in our organisations and countries.
- To learn from one another about how to promote inclusion successfully.
- To discuss and plan next steps in our fight for full rights and inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities and families.
Europe in Action conferences are great for getting new ideas,
sharing good practices, and connecting with people in the inclusion movement.
Jyrki Pinomaa, president of Inclusion Europe
About Europe in Action conferences
Europe in Action conferences bring together more than 200 people with intellectual disabilities, their families, activists, and professionals.
Participants discuss issues important to them and share experiences and ideas to advance inclusion.
Europe in Action conferences are organized every year.
The first Europe in Action conference was organised in 2003.
You can revisit all the previous conferences here.
Europe in Action conferences connect people, organisations, ideas, and places.
The conference starts at 10:00 on 7 September, and ends at 12:30 on 9 September.
- Full program (.docx)
- Full program (.pdf)
Speeches and presentations
Opening session to end segregation:
- Jyrki Pinomaa, president of Inclusion Europe: “We help each other by sharing our stories”
- Elisabeta Moldovan, self-advocate and activist, Ceva de spus / Unloc, Romania: “Now I support others to get out of institutions”
- Cinzia Agoni, president of GAMP, Belgium
- Katarina Ivanković Knežević, director for Social Rights and Inclusion at the directorate general for employment, social affairs and inclusion of the European Commission
Support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Ukraine:
- Olena Kravchenko, chair of board, VGO Coalition, Ukraine: We are very grateful supported us from the first days
- Raisa Kravchenko, VGO Coalition, Ukraine: Support independent living in Ukraine
Deinstitutionalisation in Czechia:
- Speeches and presentations from session Deinstitutionalisation in Czechia
Jobs for people with intellectual disabilities:
- Speeches and presentations from session about employment.
Disability-inclusive rebuilding in Ukraine:
- Speeches and presentation from session about inclusive rebuilding in Ukraine.
Inclusion Europe members discussed these topics over a series of sessions.
- Why we care about, and what do we mean by deinstitutionalisation.
- Discussion on a new position paper by Inclusion Europe.
- How to and achieve systemic change in legal capacity for people with intellectual disabilities.
- Lessons and tools based on experience in various countries and continents, Camille Latimier, Inclusion Czechia.
- Self-advocacy organising.
- Family support: How can care reforms and social protection policies be inclusive of families of people with intellectual disabilities?
Closing session: For the future
- Heather Gilchrist, self-advocate and membership ambassador, Jamie Rutherford, executive advisor, ENABLE Scotland: Advocacy-led services, personal assistance model of support
- Sylvia Costantini, managing director, Revolutionalise: Fundraising for the future
- Paul Alford, self-advocate, Inclusion Ireland: Live a life of your own
Reflections on the conference:
More information:
- All Europe in Action conferences.
- Hear our voices self-advocacy conferences.
- End segregation campaign.
The conference was organised with financial support from the European Union, and the Open Society Foundation.