The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic represents huge health and safety risks, forcing most of us to a swift reconsideration of our current and future plans, work activities and a way of life in general.
In a time like this people with intellectual disabilities can face even more challenges in their daily life.
Inclusion Europe collects and develops resources and information to better understand and navigate this challenging time.
5 steps to prevent harm to people with intellectual disabilities and their families
Download the document in .pdf:
Inclusion Europe online meetings about the Coronavirus emergency.

Read here an article about the Coronavirus in easy-to-read.
Download easy-to-read documents
Easy-to-read information about Coronavirus (.docx)
How to join online meeting in Microsoft Teams (.pdf)
Accessibility of online events
Easy read – Top Tips to feel better during the pandemic
Information about the vaccine in Easy-to-read
Feel free to use these documents to create your own language versions.
If you share them with us, we’ll be happy to add them to this collection of resources.
Different language versions
български (bapid)
català (.pdf, TEB)
česky (.pdf, Inclusion Czechia)
ελληνικά: Κορωνοϊό COVID-19 – Κρατάμε αποστάσεις (.pdf, NCDP)
Deutsch (Lebenshilfe, Monitoringausschuss)
eesti (EVPIT)
English (ENABLE Scotland, Inclusion Ireland)
español (Plena inclusión)
français (UNEPEI)
hrvatski (Udruga za samozastupanje; daily updates)
íslenska (.pdf, Proskahjálp)
italiano (Anffas)
lietuvių kalba (JDCC)
magyar (.pdf, EFOESZ)
Nederlands (.pdf, Inclusie Nederland)
polski (PSONI, picture format)
português (.pdf poster 1, 2, 3)
русский язык (Belapdiimi)
suomi (Papunet)
Türkçe (.pdf, TOHAD)
Europe for us! easy-to-read newsletter with information about Covid-19
Santé BD: Coronavirus (FR and EN)
Human Rights Watch: Protect the rights of people with disabilities during Covid-19 (.pdf)
What to do during Coronavirus isolation
Learn more
What is the coronavirus vaccine?
Easy-to-read document about what is the coronavirus vaccine (EN)
Czym jest szczepionka na koronawirusa? (PL)
¿Qué es la vacuna contra el coronavirus? (ES)
Какво представлява ваксината срещу корона вирус?(BU)
Τι είναι το εμβόλιο κατά του Κορωνοϊού;(GR)
Wat is het coronavirusvaccin?(NL)
Cos’è il vaccino per il coronavirus?(IT)
Qu’est-ce que le vaccin contre le coronavirus?(FR)
Што е вакцина против корона вирус?(MKD)
Ce este vaccinul împotriva coronavirusului?(RO)
Alles über die Impfung gegen das Coronavirus(DE)
Что такое вакцина от коронавируса?(RUS)
Reports about the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact:
- Impact on employment of people with intellectual disabilities (.pdf)
- Report on Covid impact
- European Parliament resolution on the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities during emergencies
- Petition to the European Parliament about the situation of people with intellectual disabilities
- Lack of education made worse by the pandemic
- How are self-advocates and self-advocacy organisations
advocating in these times? (.pdf)
Read also: Covid-19 resources by EDF.
Inclusion Europe online meetings about the Coronavirus emergency.
Videos with useful information about the pandemic, in different languages:
5 ways to help prevent the spread of COVID-19
(all EU languages – select language in the bottom right corner of the video)
German / Deutsch
Bleib Zuhause ❗❗❗#LeichteSprache #Inklusion #coronavirus
— Selbst-Vertretung Lebenshilfe Berlin (@Selbst_Berlin) March 24, 2020
5 steps to prevent harm to people with intellectual disabilities and their families
Download the document in .pdf:
Anffas (Italy)
Information about Coronavirus in Italy (in Italian)
Some advice to not get the Coronavirus
Tips for feeling good during the quarantine
ENABLE Scotland
Inclusion Ireland
Learning Disability England
Resources and information and how to stay in touch
Learning Disability Professional Senate
Resources to support families / carers through the Coronavirus restrictions
Recommendations and information
Zet (Zeitung in Lichter Sprache) .pdf
Plena inclusión (Spain)
Online courses (Spanish)
App to face the isolation (easy-to-read Spanish)
Rytmus (Czechia)
Tukiliito (Finland)
How to stay in contact during the emergency (in Finnish)
UNAPEI (France)
[#Covid19] Ensemble limitons la diffusion du #virus 🙅♀️🙅♂️
Apprenez les gestes simples contre le virus grâce à @SanteBD qui facilite la compréhension de ces règles essentielles à travers des illustrations claires.
👉Lire et télécharger l'affiche— Unapei (@Unapei_infos) March 17, 2020
Health care
NHS England:
5 steps to prevent harm to people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Coronavirus emergency (.pdf)
Governments providing easy-to-read information
French government guide to caring for a child with autism (in French; .pdf)
Updates about Coronavirus emergency from Inclusion Europe
19 May – 12 May – 6 May – 28 April – 20 April – 14 April – Europe for us! – 8 April – 31 March
Opinion in EU Observer: The plight of Europe’s disabled under coronavirus
European Commission
We are working on all fronts to tackle the #COVID19 outbreak, including:
🔹Coordinating Member State actions
🔹Mobilising €140 million for research on vaccines, diagnosis, treatment
🔹Bringing forward an Investment Fund of €25bn to help healthcare systems, SMEs, labour markets— European Commission 🇪🇺 (@EU_Commission) March 11, 2020
European coordinated response to counter the economic impact of the Coronavirus
European Disability Forum
Resources to support the autistic community
List of resources for individuals, parents, children and organisations
European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)
Coronavirus pandemic in the EU: fundamental rights implications
International organisations
World Health Organisation
Information and guidance from WHO
Disability considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak (.pdf)
United Nations
Who is protecting the people with disabilities? – by UN Special Rapporteur
Preventing discrimination against people with disabilities in COVID-19 response
Disability considerations during Covid-19 outbreak
Tracking situation and measures in countries